The Cytometry Facility is dedicated to the education of all who wish to utilize flow cytometry. The Facility offers education and consultation on a comprehensive selection of flow cytometry topics and methods.
Primarily, the Facility will teach individuals at all levels of training to operate and run any of the Facility’s flow cytometers. Accomplished operators will have access to the Facility and instrumentation 24/7.
In addition, the Facility offers lectures in basic flow cytometry theory as well as several advanced topics, such as instrument quality control, panel design and spectral compensation.
For individuals who need additional assistance with assay development, consultation and hands-on training is available.
The Facility staff has a great deal of experience in data analysis and will assist individuals with flow cytometric data and statistical analysis.
The Facility Director, Dr. Donnenberg, is available by appointment for consultation on experimental design and data analysis. This service is offered without fee or obligation to include him as co-author or collaborator.
Please see below for a selection of articles and presentations about flow cytometry.