Membership Criteria
Associate Membership
- Meet both of the following qualifications:
- Hold academic and/or medical affiliations
- Faculty member of the University of Pittsburgh, or
- Medical staff member at UPMC or UPMC Hillman Cancer Center network sites
- Demonstrate active participation in cancer research, treatment, patient care, and/or education.
- Hold academic and/or medical affiliations
Full Membership
- Meet the qualifications of an Associate Member AND one of the following:
- Principal investigator and/or co-principal investigator on peer-reviewed,
cancer-relevant grants, OR - Clinical Investigator who is PI of Hillman clinical trials or actively involved in translational research, OR
- Newly recruited faculty member in his/her initial period of appointment
(usually three (3) years), OR - Established faculty member who has moved into cancer research
in the last three (3) years
- Principal investigator and/or co-principal investigator on peer-reviewed,
Responsibilities of Members
- Secure funding as a principal investigator and/or co-principal investigator on peer-reviewed, cancer-relevant grants (i.e., participate in Hillman-administered program project grants, multidisciplinary program grants (e.g., SPOREs), cancer-relevant predoctoral/postdoctoral training grants, or other individual investigator-initiated funding for cancer related projects)
- Inform the Director and/or Program Leader of cancer-related intramural research proposals and/or extramural grant applications in which you are, or plan to be, participating in order to facilitate institutional planning
- Play a significant role in implementing research and/or cancer control research studies and in presenting local and regional Hillman educational programs
- Publish peer-reviewed articles on cancer-relevant topics
- Acknowledge UPMC Hillman Cancer Center (and Hillman Shared Resources, if applicable) and the Cancer Center Support Grant (P30CA047904) in cancer-related publications and presentations, at national and international meetings, through listings in brochures or abstracts, and in listings of institutional affiliations.
- Work with other Hillman investigators in a collaborative manner to develop and participate in the research, education and service missions of UPMC Hillman Cancer Center
- Actively participate in meetings and other activities of your designated Hillman program (see list below)
- Participate in the Hillman Annual Scientific Retreat and other Hillman-sponsored or -affiliated events
- Serve on Hillman program and review committees if requested (for your designated program)
Hillman Programs
Biobehavioral Cancer Control Program
Cancer Biology Program
Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Program
Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapeutics Program
Cancer Therapeutics Program (includes GI, GU, and Liver)
Cancer Virology Program
Genome Stability Program
Review of Membership
Individual program member lists are reviewed quarterly by Program Leaders, who will make recommendations to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) regarding continuation of membership. The entire member list is reviewed annually by the SLT. The Membership Criteria and Responsibilities described above will be utilized for reviews. Discontinuation of membership generally signifies cessation of productive research that fits into the programmatic goals of UPMC Hillman Cancer Center.