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Robert Edwards

Robert Edwards

Program: Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy

412-641-8556 204 Craft Avenue
Pittsburgh PA 15213

Dr. Edwards' research interests include  the treatementHPV-related and ovarian malignancies with immunotherapeutic approaches. He serves as principal investigator for a number of pharmaceutical-sponsored studies. He also serves on the Cancer Vaccine Committee, which experiments with novel therapeutic approaches to gynecologic malignancies and produces translational research.

Three specific targets of Dr. Edwards' research include: 1) vaccine therapies for cervical and ovarian cancer; 2) combining biologic and immunologic therapies with traditional therapies in the treatment of women's cancer; and 3) intraperitoneal therapy.

Research Interests and Keywords
  • cervical cancer,Clinical Trials,gynecologic malignancies,Immunotherapy,intraperitoneal chemotherapy,ovarian cancer
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Susannah Ellsworth

Susannah Ellsworth

Program: Cancer Therapeutics

(412) 623-6720 Shadyside Hospital, Dept of Radiation Oncology
5230 Centre Ave
Pittsburgh PA 15232

My primary research interests are investigating the effects of external beam radiation therapy on immune status and developing novel radiation therapy techniques for gastrointestinal cancers. Currently, I am working on developing methods for calculating radiation dosimetry to the immune system during external beam radiation therapy and employing these methods to develop new
strategies to reduce immune system dose and mitigate the risk of radiation-induced lymphopenia, which has been shown to be a negative prognostic factor in multiple solid tumors including  pancreatic cancer.

Read More about Susannah Ellsworth
Kirk Erickson

Kirk Erickson

Program: Biobehavioral Cancer Control

412-624-4533 3107 Sennott Square
210 South Bouquet Street
Pittsburgh PA 15260
Research Interests and Keywords
  • Cognitive Aging Methods,Exercise,Improving Cognition
Read More about Kirk Erickson

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