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Jianhua Luo

Jianhua Luo

Program: Genome Stability

412-648-8791 S-760 Scaife Hall
3550 Terrace Street
Pittsburgh PA 15261

Dr. Luo's research is in the area of genome and gene expression studies of malignancies, especially in understanding how liver and prostate cancers obtain invasive and metastatic capabilities. Dr. Luo's laboratory in the past has primarily focused on the isolation and characterization of genes which are inactivated in liver and prostate cancers. His laboratory is currently focusing on characterizing oncogenic fusion genes in human malignancies and developing fusion gene targeting tools to diagnose and treat human cancers. Dr. Luo is also interested in developing long-read sequencing techniques to characterize isoform switches and mutation isoform expressions in human cancers.

Research Interests and Keywords
  • Biomarkers,Gene Expression,Genomics,Molecular Diagnostics,Prostate cancer,Signal Transduction
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