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Lawrence Kane

Lawrence Kane

Program: Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy

412-383-6880 E-1054 BSTWR
200 Lothrop St.
Pittsburgh PA 15261

My lab is currently pursuing several projects:

1. The role of TIM-3 in CD8+ T cells 

This project currently involves the study of - TIM-3, a novel protein of the T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain family in regulation of CD8+ T cell function during viral infection (using LCMV as a model system) and responses to syngeneic tumors. We are also interested in elucidating signaling pathways downstream of TIM-3.

2. The role of TIM-3 in regulatory T cells (Treg)

Work from our lab and others has shown that expression of TIM-3 is associated with acquisition of a more potent "effector" Treg (eTreg) phenotype. We are studying how this phenotype contributes to the effects of Treg on immune responses to viral infection and tumors, using both mouse models and correlative studies in humans.

3. Regulation of T cell and mast cell activation by PIK3IP1/TrIP, a novel regulator of PI3K

Dr. Kane's lab has found that a novel transmembrane protein known as PIK3IP1 (PI3K-interacting protein 1) or TrIP (transmembrane inhibitor of PI3K) is expressed in both T cells and mast cells. This protein appears to restrict early activation of both cell types. The lab is currently characterizing mice with inducible deletion of TrIP to better understand how this protein functions in vivo, especially in the context of syngeneic tumors.

Research Interests and Keywords
  • co-stimulation,Immunology,kinases,Mast Cells,Signal Transduction,T cells
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