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Teresa Thomas

Teresa Thomas

Program: Biobehavioral Cancer Control


Dr. Thomas is a leader in promoting self-advocacy among patients with cancer. She has developed a model and measure of how patients advocate for their needs and priorities within the context of their cancer experience – the Self-Advocacy in Cancer Survivorship Model. Currently, her research evaluates the impact of a theoretically-based, patient-centered serious game (a motivational video game) intervention on women with advanced cancer’s self-advocacy skills, symptom burden, and use of health care services (R37CA262025 - NCT04813276). She also works with clinical nurses to understand how nurses can promote self-advocacy among their patients. Dr. Thomas’s other areas of interest include cancer symptom management, caregiver burden, instrument development and testing, and financial distress related to chronic health problems.  

Research Interests and Keywords
  • Patient centered-care,Patient self-advocacy,Self-management interventions,Serious games for health,Women’s health
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